EarthSavvy blog — community

A workshop and a screening

A workshop and a screening

Well, I’m feeling positively giddy.  On the horizon, is my very first zero waste workshop, which I’ll be running as part of EcoMatters’ fabulous month-long EcoWest Festival.

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Gotcha Bag?  Plastic is so passé

Gotcha Bag? Plastic is so passé

Actually, my mum does still use plastic bags.  And she doesn’t compost.  Sigh. How does the saying go?…grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, yadda yadda yadda.  I’m working on it. The great news is, there are some things I can change.  And one of them is the culture of single-use plastic bags at my local supermarket!

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Samba, Zumba…and Zero Waste

Samba, Zumba…and Zero Waste

Well, who knew that helping festival punters choose the appropriate bin for their rubbish would be so damn entertaining? Last Saturday morning, with the sun beating down and loud samba drumbeats pulsating out from the nearby soundcheck, I wrapped on a bright blue Zero Waste apron and listened intently, along with a handful of other volunteers, while Ron from Auckland Community Zero Waste Alliance (ACZWA) briefed us on the ins and outs of recycle/compost/landfill.

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